✓ Track tasks efficiently with grouped to-do lists.
✓ Stay updated on task progress with real-time sharing.
✓ Access and comment on team to-do lists instantly.
✓ Easily request tasks from teammates
✓ to add to their to-do lists.
Set team objectives and link individual tasks. Foster collaboration for consistent outcomes.
✓ Manage tasks and schedules seamlessly
✓ with integrated platforms.
✓ Enhance productivity and streamline scheduling.
순간 순간의 보고를 넘어,
일상의 모든 업무 기록을 데이터로 남겨보세요.
오늘이 지나면 다시 돌아보지 않던 데일리스크럼,
생산성 대시보드를 통해 한 달을 돌아보고 한 걸음 더 성장해요.
산발되어 있는 모든 할 일
호이에서 한번에 관리하세요.
장소 관계없이 어디서든
할 일을 관리할 수 있어요.
Create tasks on your to-do list
and the tasks will be shared
with your team members.
Make groups to find your frequent
co-workers at one page,
check their today’s work,
what they have prioritized
in their daily plans.
Request a task to teammate and
the task card will be created on the teammate’s to-do list as it is accepted.
All team members can comment
on each to-do cards, get notified
when others comment or
the tasks are completed.
Bring Google calendar schedules
into to-do list, or time block
your calendar for new tasks.
Share your daily plannings and task completions to Slack just by a click.
Set your weekly or monthly objectives,
and create daily tasks need to be done to achieve the objectives. Monitor yours and your team members daily progress of each objectives.
해야할 일을 작성하지 않아 놓치거나, 미뤄덨던 일이 기억나지 않은 적이 있나요?
팀원들의 업무 상황을 파악하지 못해 프로젝트의 마감을 맞추지 못한 적이 있나요?
매니저로서 팀원의 할 일을 파악하기 위해 매번 직접 물어보진 않나요?
메신저로 오늘 할 일을 공유하여 업무파악이 힘들었던 경험이 있나요?
다양한 협업 툴을 사용해 보았지만 복잡한 기능들로 어려웠던 적이 있나요?